"To be, or not to be; that is the question".
Do I keep at this accursed accounting deal until I pass no matter how much it costs because I need/want/am called to get a Masters in Business or do I recognize that this isn't my strength and try for something else? Maybe a Masters in Counseling or Teaching or Underwater Basket Weaving? It's a much more complicated question than I originally thought.
Many of the greats wouldn't be who they were if they had a let a few little set backs stop them (ie Michael Jordan, Einstein, Thomas Edison, Helen Keller etc.) along the way. But let's be honest here, am I really on the Jordan Einstein Edison Keller level in ability and drive? Also, there are plenty of examples of idiots who just didn't know when to quit throughout history too; probably more examples of those than anyone who we consider to have succeeded. So, how do we know when to call it quits and when to push through? Where do we draw the line between determination and insanity?
I've never believed (but always wanted to) the "You can be anything you want to be as long as you work hard enough" line. There are just too many pre-determined factors. Instead we should be telling our kids "You can be the best at one thing if you work really hard at it, already have some talent in that area, have the sensibility to recognize your potential and the monetary and emotional support to pursue a future in that area". I think this is a much more realistic approach. But even taking this approach, there are a lot of factors that have to fall into place. And so, I find myself at a loss for the ability to recognize my one talent, limited support and resources to pursue it if I knew what it was, only moderate motivation to be great, and a very strong temptation to be average at a lot of things rather than incredible at one thing. Just call me a sheep and shove me into the middle of the flock where I always swore I'd never go.