Friday, December 14, 2007

I Had Another Dream

In this fun fantasy I am the guardian of a magical penguin named Marcel. Unfortunately for me and Marcel we live in San Francisco and a huge tsunami hits burying the city. No worries though, Marcel is magical remember and he just alters every one's DNA so that we can all live underwater.

I spend the rest of the dream marveling at how people are living half in and out of the water. A man in glasses bikes by just under the surface completely oblivious to the fact that his whole reality has just been changed. I then start to freak out because my cute little buddy Marcel is packing some seriously cool powers which means I am seriously in over my head (no pun intended) protecting him. Marcel cheers me up by taking me to surf the ice caps together. Just me and my magical penguin Marcel taking on the entire atlantic ocean.


Christina said...

That is an INCREDIBLE dream! I am jealous that I did not dream about a magical penguin. And one named Marcel at that! You weren't watching Friends before this dream were you...?

Anonymous said...

um, holy cow!

p.s. we vote for no tsumanis, thanks.

Anonymous said...

You have fun dreams. I just dream about getting things done or hanging out with people. One time, I did have a dream that I was a Lego person...and everything was made out of Legos. That was a good dream.