Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bathroom Fail

So today, I innocently wander into the work restroom to take care of business only to somehow break the toilet so that it doesn't flush. I keep calm (a hard feat when changing medications, as I always turn into a rager whenever I am transitioning) and take apart the top of the toilet like my co-worker so patiently taught me recently. I roll up my sleeves, grit my teeth and plunge my hand into the murky tank water to grab the detached chain. As I do so the bathroom air freshener falls with a loud clatter and sickening splash into the pee filled toilet bowl. Naturally I let out a rather forceful expletive this point after which I resigned myself to fishing around in urine water for the can. Somehow I managed to reassemble the toilet and spent about 10 minutes washing my hands. Imagine my horror then, upon discovering that the entire ordeal was overheard not only by my boss but her boss as well. I may not have a job by the end of today.

1 comment:

Dana Kangas said...

I know I have done something like this. :-)